Revolutionizing STEM Education: Exploring
Progressive Teaching Methods

Revolutionizing STEM Education: Exploring Progressive Teaching Methods

This course aims to equip educators with contemporary teaching methods in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education.

Course Description


  • New learning and teaching methods and approaches
  • Digital skills and competences
  • Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)
  • Initial and continuous training for teachers, trainers and other education staff


24-28/06/2024, 01-05/07/2024, 08-12/07/2024, 05-09/08/2024

target audience

  • STEM Educators: Teachers specializing in STEM subjects at various educational levels.
  • Educational Leaders: School administrators or coordinators interested in enhancing STEM education within their institutions.
  • Trainers and Facilitators: Individuals involved in providing professional development for STEM educators.

This course aims to equip educators with contemporary teaching methods in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education. Participants will learn practical strategies to engage students, integrate real-world applications, and develop critical thinking in STEM subjects. The purpose is to enable educators to inspire a new generation of STEM enthusiasts. By the end of the course, participants should gain knowledge and skills in effective teaching approaches, collaborative learning techniques, and the integration of technology for an enhanced STEM education experience.




  • Understand and implement contemporary teaching methods in STEM education.
  • Develop strategies for engaging students and fostering critical thinking in STEM subjects.
  • Gain practical insights into integrating real-world applications into STEM lessons.
  • Enhance collaboration in the classroom setting.
  • Acquire skills in leveraging technology to improve the teaching and learning experience in STEM.

Implement Modern Teaching Methods: Apply contemporary teaching methods effectively in STEM education.

Enhance Student Engagement: Develop strategies to actively engage students in STEM subjects.

Integrate Real-World Applications: Incorporate real-world applications to make STEM lessons more practical and relevant.

Foster Critical Thinking: Cultivate critical thinking skills among students through innovative teaching approaches.

Utilize Technology in STEM Education: Leverage technology to enhance the overall teaching and learning experience in STEM subjects.

Promote Collaborative Learning: Enhance collaboration within the classroom setting to facilitate a supportive STEM learning environment.

Daily Program

Day 1: Foundations of Modern STEM Education
  • Icebreaker: Introduction activities, and a collaborative “STEM Teaching Journey” timeline creation.
  • Workshop: Small group discussions followed by a plenary session for sharing insights and expectations.
  • Scenario Analysis: Participants work in pairs to analyze and present scenarios depicting effective and ineffective teaching methods.
Day 2: Real-World Applications in STEM
  • Group Activity: Creation of a mock STEM project with real-world applications, followed by group presentations.
  • Case Study Workshop: Analyzing and presenting case studies with an emphasis on real-world STEM integration.
  • Reflection and Peer Feedback: Participants share reflections on real-world applications and provide feedback to peers.
Day 3: Technology Integration in STEM Teaching
  • Tech Exploration Stations: Rotational hands-on exploration of various STEM-related digital tools.
  • App Design Challenge: Small groups design an educational app for STEM teaching and present their concepts.
  • Interactive Webinar: Guest speaker session with a STEM educator sharing experiences and insights on technology integration.
Day 4: Collaboration and Application
  • Collaborative Lesson Planning: Participants work in teams to plan and design a collaborative STEM lesson.
  • Peer Teaching and Feedback: Each group presents their collaborative lesson, followed by peer feedback.
  • Reflection and Action Planning: Individual reflections on collaborative experiences and development of personal action plans
Day 5: Fostering Critical Thinking in STEM
  • Critical Thinking Exercises: Participants engage in a series of critical thinking exercises related to STEM subjects.
  • Socratic Seminars: Small group discussions on critical thinking in STEM education facilitated by instructors.
  • Classroom Simulation: Role-playing scenarios that require critical thinking in a simulated STEM classroom.
  • Closing ceremony, certificate distribution, and celebration.


*subject to small adaptations, upon availability

STEM Institution Visit

Participants visit a local STEM institution or laboratory to observe modern teaching methods in action.
Guided tour and discussions with educators and professionals at the institution.

Industry Engagement Day

Field trip to a STEM-related industry or company to explore real-world applications of STEM subjects.
Interaction with professionals and discussions on the skills and knowledge needed in the industry.

Educational Technology Hub Visit

Visit to a center specializing in educational technology.
Hands-on experience with cutting-edge technology tools and resources applicable to STEM education.

Collaborative School Project Visit

Participants visit a local school where collaborative STEM projects are implemented.
Interaction with teachers and students involved in collaborative learning initiatives.

Assessment Methods

Assessment is continuous with formative and summative methods throughout the training.


Group Discussions and Reflections
Scenario Analysis Worksheets
Peer Teaching Observations
Interactive Quizzes


Collaborative Lesson Plan
Individual Reflection Paper
Final Presentation
Scenario Analysis

join the success

Teaching Methods

  • Lectures

    Engaging lectures providing theoretical foundations and insights into modern STEM teaching methods.

  • Workshops

    Hands-on workshops allowing participants to actively apply and practice teaching strategies.

  • Group Discussions

    Small and large group discussions to facilitate knowledge sharing and collaborative learning.

  • Case Studies

    Analysis of real-world case studies to explore effective STEM teaching practices.

  • Guest Speaker Sessions

    Inviting guest speakers, such as experienced STEM educators, to share practical experiences.

  • Scenario Analysis

    Interactive sessions where participants analyze teaching scenarios and discuss potential solutions.


Upon successful completion of our courses, participants receive recognition in the form of certificates.

Recognizing your active participation, the Certificate of Attendance is awarded upon completing the course. It signifies your commitment to the learning journey and showcases your engagement with the course content.

Certificate of Attendance

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Europass Certification goes beyond acknowledgment; it aligns with European standards for transparency and recognition of skills and qualifications. This internationally recognized certification enhances your profile and opens doors to opportunities on a global scale.

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