An Erasmus+ experience in Stockholm!
The first training activity of our project “Staff Professional Development in Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability” is completed!
Project id: 2022-1-EL01-KA122-ADU-000079565
Here are some fun moments..
Members of SISERA Greece are attending a 7-day training course in Stockholm, Sweden with title: “Climate Change and Sustainable Development Goals: Small Acts Create Huge Impact-Take Action: Go Green”
Project Objectives
- Empower adults in adapting a sustainable way of living
- Raising awareness of adult people in agricultural areas about environmental problems
- Gain Knowledge in new learning and teaching methods and approaches in environmental education
- Developing adults’ learners green skills
- Gain Knowledge in new practices of waste management

First Group Activity
In the first group activity, professional members of SISERA Greece, who are teachers with experience in adult education,
will attend a training course about “Climate Change and Sustainable Development Goals”. This course adopts a global
perspective on the themes of sustainable development, ecological footprints, global justice, and poverty, and negotiates the ways that how these influence and are influenced by climate change.

Third Group Activity
In the last group activity, volunteer members participants of the agricultural area, will attend the course about “Waste
Management” which targets in contemporary issues such as biodegradation, bioremediation, reclamation of barren/ stress
systems, combating climate change, green fuels, sustainable agriculture and organic food production.Sustainable waste
management aims to keep materials in use for as long as possible and minimize the amount of the amount of solid waste
that is disposed of in landfill or through incineration. Sustainable waste management, is very important in order to refine and
improve our existing waste management systems.

Main Topics
“Environment and climate change”
“New learning and teaching methods and approaches”
“Green skills”

Second Group Activity
In the second group activity volunteer members of SISERA Greece will attend two different but complementary courses “Innovative approaches in environmental education” will teach the participants innovative methodologies to sustainability that compel people to take action and change their individual and collective habits for the better for their health and of the environment by a positive and solution-based approach. b) “Sustainable lifestyles – taking environmental awareness to action “.This course will teach the participants about the need of reducing the levels of consumption and the mainstream ways of purchasing and using products, food, energy etc.