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New Youth Exchange: “YAAD : Youth Acting Against Discrimination”
- June 17-24, 2024
The main objective of this project is to foster the integration of young migrants and refugees in Europe, with a focus on the national societies of the Countries in which the organizations involved in this project operate.
Integration is a two-way process because it involves active engagement, effort, and understanding from both the receiving society and the newcomers. The project intends to bring together young Europeans and young migrants and refugees, with a two-fold aim: on the one hand, to enhance the intercultural awareness of all participants in the YE, and on the other hand, to contribute to the integration of the young migrants/refugees, not only in the Spanish society, but also in the wider and more culturally varied European society.
Moreover, a third objective is to devise, together with the participants, concrete ways and tools to act against discrimination of migrants and refugees in their own respective countries, with a focus on digital tools such as social media campaigns.
Youth Acting Against Discrimination (YAAD) is a 6-day youth exchange that will take place in Alicante between June 18th and 23rd, 2024, not including travel days.
All activities planned for this exchange are inspired by approaches of non-formal education, whose methods are aimed at stimulating the motivation of the participants, their voluntary participation, critical thinking and personal development.
Some workshops will also be implemented, in which the facilitator will provide participants with some theoretical backgrounds about the topics that will be discussed, mostly to prepare them to carry out the non-formal education activities.
A guest speech and a laboratory to produce concrete results (a social media campaign) are also included in the programme.
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